Barclays Bank (Great Britain, Seychelles)

Country Great Britain

Incorporation year 1690

General information

History of Barclays has more than 300 years. The name Barclays has been associated with the company's business from 1736. Contemporary Bank was founded in 1896 when a number of London and provincial British banks began to work under a single brand of Barclays and Co.


The Bank in an open joint stock company, its shares are listed on the major stock exchanges.
About 2 / 3 shares Barclays belong to institutional investors.

Representative offices

The Bank has representative offices more than in 50 countries of the world, including offshore jurisdictions (e.g. Seychelles).

Account types

Investing, corporate 

Account management

  • Fax and phone call 
  • Internet banking


Is speaking all the major European languages, including Russian. 

Credit/Debit cards 

Visa (Classic and Gold) 

Account opening  

An interview with a representative of the Bank is required. 

Term for account opening  

2-3 weeks 

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