Literature on Investing
- Elder A. "Fundamentals of speculation" - M.: Svetoch, 1996.
- Vedikhin A, Petrov D, Shilov B "Forex from the First Person" - M, Omega-L, 2005
- Robert W. Colby and Thomas A. Meyers, "The Encyclopedia of Technical Market Indicators - Alpina Publishers, 1998.
- Oberlehner T "Forex Psychology"- M, Omega-L, 2005.
- Steve Nison "Candlesticks: Graphical Analysis of Financial Markets - Moscow, "Diagramma", 1998.
- Williams B. "Trading Chaos".
- Ahelis SB "Technical Analysis from A to Z" - M, Chart, 1998.
- Williams, B., "New dimensions of exchange trade"
- Lihovidov V.N. "The Fundamental Market Analysis of World Currencies"
- Galperin, V.M., Grebennikov P.I., Leussky A.I., Tarasevich L.S. "Macroeconomics: Textbook" - St. Petersburg, SPbGUEF, 1997.
- T. DeMark "Technical Analysis, a New Science" - Moscow, "Diagramma", 1997.
- Derry T.B. "Textbook of Practical Currency Dealing" - M.: FINTEH, 1996.
- John Dzh.Merfi "Technical Analysis of Futures Markets: Theory and Practice" - Publisher Sokol, 1996.
- D.Y. Piskulov "Theory and Practice of Foreign Exchange Dealing - Firm" Finansist, 1996.
- "Handbook of Currency dealer" - SP "Crocus International", 1992.
- Soros, G. "The Alchemy of Finance" - M.: Infra-M, 1996.
- Elder A. "Practical Guide in Local Exchange and Non-Exchange markets. (Psychology, technical market analysis, money management, risk management, strategy and tactics of speculation) - Moscow: AZIMUT PLUS, 1995.
- Lofton T. "Basics of Futures Trading". Moscow, "IK" Analytics ", 2001.
- Elpesh B. Patel, Praian Patel. "Internet trading". Moscow, Publishing House "Williams", 2003.
- Galanov V.A. "Derivative Financial Instruments". Moscow, Finance and Statistics, 2002.
- Simon Vine. "Options. Full Course for Professionals". Alpina Publishers, Moscow, 2003
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